Winning the Battles
I am still reading the book "A Bruised Reed" By Richard Sibbes. Some of you may remember the post I put about it way back when. But as I read two days ago as well as today, he pointed out a new truth to me. Winning the battles. Often times after a long struggle don't you feel you have lost the battle between what you should do and what your sin nature tells you? Even though you did the right thing, you still feel defeated. Well just remember this, every war has a cost and every victory has a cost. There is still greiving after a battle has been won. Friends have died, you were a bit of a coward, whatever it may be. But why doesn't God just let us win easily, just like he let the Israelites? Well how did the Israelites turn out? I have been reading straight through Judges from Genisis and have you noticed how many times chapters start out with 'and the Israelites did evil in the eyes of the Lord...' they were always going to God for help, and desserting him when they were getting along well. You see when we win a battle with little struggle, we think That wasn't so hard, so I must have done it. We don't give credit to God because it wasn't very difficult for us. But when the battle is hot and raging and we see our chances of winning are going down the tube, we cry out to God and he saves us. But it is still difficult after we call to him, and he helps us. Because after the victory we see how marvelous of a work he did, and we see the power of God. And how we can do nothing on our own.
have you ever had a battle between your spirt and someone elses? if so, do they make you fisicaly tired? cuz they do to me.
i'm not sure what you mean Beth...
Anyways, yes, that's very true. God gives us difficult trials to cause us to cling to Christ. I was telling Beth the other day how if everything in life was very easy, we would tend to forget about God and stop relying on Him for everything. Battles are sent from God to a Christian to strengthen him/her spiritually. I'm actually thankful for the trials that God sends me...I need discipline every once in a while. =)
I need it every day, otherwise I tend to wander to greener pastures, but forget to watch out for the wolves of the world. =D
Wow, this post is really helpful, Keith! I've been struggling a lot recently (realizing how old one's getting doesn't help things), and this was just the thing I needed. Thanks!
Well God uses Christians to strengthen other Christians like iron sharpens iron, even when they don't know it. =D
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