Thoughts to think about #18
Church isn't about numbers, it's about relationships with eachother and Christ. So next time you think about how small 25 people in your church is, think on how good a relationship they have with Christ and you have with them.
Very true.
Although, actually, church should be about numbers, but it should be about numbers of TRUE BELIEVERS. Too much today the Gospel is being watered down for the sake of growing the church's membership, participation, and--if I can be frank--income. There are too many nominal Christians today, and it is really negatively effecting the church's ability to inflict its influence.
By the way, I wanted to let you know that I've posted a bunch about the Holy Spirit and Jesus (and, in a way, the Trinity, although I haven't addressed that specifically yet) over at 4Gratitude. I think you'd enjoy reading it.
Yeah, I did, you and I seem to have a lot in common, beliefs anyway. I noticed you mentioned the Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron series, they are really good! Have you seen the ones on evanglism?
Yes, I have, and they really open up the eyes to biblical evangelism, as opposed to seeker-sensitive, "no-talk-about-sin," "God has a wonderful plan for your life"-type evangelism, don't they?
I use the "School of Biblical Evangelism" book for reference; I initially read "The Way of the Master" after seeing the show; I watch the show whenever I remember to; and I have the New Testament, Psalms & Proverbs pocket edition of the Evidence Bible. That's great (actually, all of the above mentioned are great!)! It has a lot of stuff from the "School of Biblical Evangelism," "The Way of the Master," and quotes and stuff from famous people condensed into a size you can carry with you practically everywhere! If you don't have it, you should pick it up--I got it for like 10 dollars off of Amazon.
I haven't gotten to anything else yet, although I would like to get the full-size version of the Evidence Bible, and there are some other books that look good. Anyways...I'm rambling.
God-has-a-wonderful-plan-for-your-life evangelism is an over-reaction to megaphone-yelling-eternal-torture-hell-gospel-actually-means-bad-news evangelism.
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