Climbing the ladder of His will: Thoughts to think about #2

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Thoughts to think about #2

I've been learning about atoms and their levels, sublevels, orbitals and all that confusing stuff. That is a very minute but large subject in science, what makes up the protons? and after that? It BLOWS my mind to even think about it. Yet that is so small, imagine how complex even the smallest of creatures must be! It would take eternity to learn all there is to be known, but God made it all with a few words. WOW. That in itself is enough to think about for a lifetime.


At 10:01 PM, Blogger Elyse said...

I LOOOOOVE science, although chemistry is hard I am liking it a lot. I love biology though, I think that's because when learning about biology I get to see how things work. How God created things, it blows my mind. I'm excited to get to heaven and LEARN things I could never learn here on earth.

BTW are you doing Apologia chem?

At 5:32 AM, Blogger Keith M. said...

No, actually I am doing Bob Jones Chemistry. :)


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